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Understanding TDEE and Activity Multipliers

TDEE = BMR × Activity Factor. BMR is the energy you burn at rest (e.g., ~1,400-1,800 kcal for a 53-year-old, depending on sex/weight). The activity factor scales this up based on how much you move. Calculators use standardized multipliers (e.g., 1.2 for sedentary, 1.375 for lightly active) from research like the Harris-Benedict or Mifflin-St Jeor equations. Here’s how to nail the categories:

1. Sedentary (Little to No Exercise)

2. Lightly Active (Light Exercise or Activity 1-3 Days/Week)

3. Moderately Active (Moderate Exercise 3-5 Days/Week)

4. Very Active (Hard Exercise 6-7 Days/Week)

5. Extremely Active (Very Hard Exercise + Physically Demanding Job)

How to Choose the Right One

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